Inter Patrol Challenge

Each year, Patrols compete for the Inter Patrol Challenge trophy. The Challenge runs throughout the year with the winning Patrol announced at the Annual Camp

Each month Scouts earn points for:

  • Monthly Challenges (250pts)
  • Attendance (100pts)
  • Logbook (100pts)
  • Uniform (100pts)

Bonus points can also be earned for Badgework as follows:

  • Discovery Award – 25pts
  • Terra Nova Award – 50pts
  • Endurance Award – 75pts
  • Polar Award – 100pts
  • Chief Scout Award (Scouts) – 200pts
  • Adventure Skills – 10pts x stage (ie a stage 4 is worth 40 points)
  • Special Interest Badge – 20pts
  • Helmsman 1 – 25pts
  • Helmsman 2 – 50pts
  • Helmsman 3 – 75pts
  • National Initiative Badges (at the discretion of the PLC) – 30pts

The Patrol Leaders Council may award points for Scouting Spirit as well as deduct points for breaches of the Code of Conduct.

Roll of Honour

Year PatrolPatrol Leader
2019Mustang PatrolJack Wall
2022Shark PatrolCian Halvey